
Here in the non-physical realms we are all waiting joyfully for humanity’s imminent collective awakening. Many of you who have been waiting expectantly for years are beginning to doubt and wonder if it will ever happen, or if humanity will very soon destroy itself and massively damage your planetary living space by engaging – totally against the wishes of the VAST majority of the World’s peoples – in a major war involving all the so-called “major world powers?”  This is a very chaotic and conflict driven time on your beautiful planet.  However, it is also a time of enormous and essential change in the way you conduct your relationships either individually or internationally.  It is readily apparent to the majority of humans all across the world that the way forward is through respectful discussion of all viewpoints in which everyone involved honors and respects all the others and truly listens to them with open hearts in order to come to a full understanding of them and of their perspectives.  Humanity’s well-established but insane need to be right must be discarded, otherwise true listening cannot occur, and satisfactory resolutions cannot be achieved.

As you have been told so many times by human mystics and by many of us here in the non physical realms: “Humanity’s Awakening is divinely Assured.”  Thus there is absolutely no reason to doubt the imminence of this magnificent and divinely intended event.  God’s Will is always achieved precisely as He intends.  Your awakening is therefore inevitable.  Trust in your heavenly Father and allow your doubts to dissolve.  As you make a point of doing this every day, you will find yourselves experiencing deep inner peace more and more frequently, and you will become increasingly mindful of the Love that you are flowing through you and guiding your thoughts, words, and actions as each of your unique and holy human paths unfolds before you every day.

This time of enormous and essential change in the ways in which you all – all of humanity – interact with one another is, of course, part of God’s divine plan to guide you lovingly back to full conscious remembrance of who you truly are.  Separation from Mother/Father/God never occurred and never could occur because there is only God.  The appearance of a seemingly very real environment without the Presence of God, in which you as humans live your daily lives, is an imaginary, illusory, or unreal construction.  You – each and everyone of you – were created from Love as an inseparable aspect of Love, and at that moment you were given All that God is.  You have therefore been given infinite, inexhaustible, and eternal FREEDOM to live in any way that you choose, and creative abilities like unto His to enjoy and expand on those choices.

However, in one crazy moment you decided to attempt to experience separation and independence from God your divine Source, because it seemed possible that you might be able to experience even greater freedom than the infinite freedom given to you at the moment of your creation.  The problem is that in doing this you entered an unreal arena from which there appears to be no exit.  Why is this?  It is because what you purposefully constructed, although it was unreal, was in fact an insubstantial, nebulous, and yet seemingly vast location of intense limitation.  It’s a bit like one of those amusement park “Hall of Mirrors” where you see endless reflections of yourself, none of which are valid reflections or images of you.  And the one you constructed in that moment of insanity appears to have no exit, you appear to be stuck there in a state that has been imposed upon you by some greater power than your own.  It terrified you the moment you entered because it seemed that Love was absent, you having first made the choice to forget that It existed.

Love can never be absent, but you can refuse to acknowledge Its Presence and, over the eons, many have done so because deep within themselves lies the fear that they have offended God by separating from Her.  God cannot be offended because She is infinite Love, and Love infinitely, eternally, and unconditionally, in every moment, loves all that She creates.  This apparent ‘greater power’ than humanity is a construct of your egos, who are guilt and shame ridden with themselves for attempting to live separated from and independent of the One Source through Whose Power and Love, Life itself, flows constantly within them, thus divinely ensuring their eternal existence.

Your awakening will occur when you discard all thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that are not in complete alignment with Love.  Being human is perhaps similar to being a deep sea diver who is connected to a vessel on the surface of the ocean by a conduit through which breathable air flows constantly.  In that state he or she is living in and experiencing what seems to be a severely limited environment for a short period of time before rising back to the surface, to reality as you presently understand it as humans in form.  However, when you awaken, as you will, the Reality in which you find yourselves will be infinitely beyond amazing!

Full remembrance, full awareness of what Reality truly means and is, is totally beyond a human’s ability to imagine or conceive of while anchored in form.  Give thanks that what you are presently experiencing as reality is a very temporary state, and that the Joy that you will experience when you “resurface” into Reality will absolutely blow your minds and hearts as you REMEMBER that this is Home, your natural state, and that you have never been separated from it.

Just remember that!  You have never been separated from Mother/Father/God for even the briefest of instants, because if that was to occur you would instantly cease to exist, and that cannot happen because you were created in infinite Love as eternal divine and beloved beings, God’s beloved children.  You are eternally in Her infinitely loving Presence, and you will awaken into full conscious awareness of that wondrous state of being sooner than you can possibly imagine!

Your loving brother Jesus. 

All is well!  You are all divine beings eternally and inseparably at One with Mother/Father/God, who are presently experiencing an unreal state that you invented with your extremely creative mind.  It appears to you to be utterly real, and in this state many of you are undergoing almost constant suffering and fear.  As you are all well aware fear is: F-false E-evidence A-appearing R-real.  Your apparently real lives as humans in form, and all that you experience through those forms that is not in complete alignment with Love, is unreal.  But, Love is your true and only nature, and the more you can come to accept and trust that eternal Truth, the more you will find peace, love, and harmony within yourselves encouraging you to live your lives consciously and increasingly aware of this.

As mindfulness of your conscious awareness of your true nature becomes more frequently present in your mind your trust in your intuition – your Christ Consciousness – your unbreakable connection to me strengthens, so that you find yourselves mostly at peace and content in the union of the One Love in which Mother/Father/God envelops us.  As a result whatever arises in your daily human lives becomes much easier for you to deal with, and any issues you may have are much more easily understood and resolved.  The apparent separation between your personal individual egos and your Christ Consciousness then starts to dissolve gently, and you find yourselves letting go of any fear-driven states of judgment, disagreement, or conflict, and instead find yourselves being only loving, and then extending and sharing love in your interactions with all others.

Love is your nature, and you are, right now, in an increasingly weakening state of amnesia as your awareness of your true nature opens up within you, allowing you to accept what has always been true, instead of dismissing it as irrational egoic nonsense.  Your egoic need to be right, while you cling to extremely limiting beliefs about who you are, and to postulate those false concepts of duality, of separation from one another as independent beings who need to protect yourselves from all the dangers of that unreal state, just fall away.  Yes, of course you can suffer and experience pain, because most of you identify almost totally with your human forms and accept as the only reality what your human senses experience moment to moment.  Namely the material environment that you can touch, feel, and even change by physical interaction with it.

To awaken is to come to the awareness that Reality is far more than and far vaster than you can know while living in the state of limitation that your bodies provide and support.  You are each far vaster than you can possibly experience while in form, and each one of you has enormous power – the Power of God – which is constantly affecting all of creation, even as you believe yourselves to be small and totally insignificant beings in the overall scheme of things.  Modern physics suggests that you are and can only be aware of less than 5 % of all that exists, and your personal sense of limitation as a human in form appears to confirm this for you.  As some of your most highly evolved ones intellectually have remarked: “to be wise is to realize that you know nothing!”  And that is not a failing, it is but an awareness of the vastness in which you live and experience life, and of the limitations of your bodies residing in the material world.

As many of you prepare to celebrate the anniversary of my resurrection, remind yourselves that you too will resurrect, because resurrection is but the full realization that death is unreal.  Resurrection may occur for some while they are still embodied, but for most of you it comes at or very shortly after your physical death, at the moment in which you choose to finally lay down your human forms and return Home into the Reality from which you have never for even a moment been separated.  Resurrection is your inevitable divine destiny, it cannot be avoided, it can only be delayed, and it will awaken you from the game or dream or illusion that you have been experiencing.  You each have your own individual and utterly free will given to you by God at the moment of your creation, so when to awaken is a choice that you must and will make, no one can make it for you, not even Mother/Father/God.

You are always utterly free, even though you do not seem to experience that freedom while in form. This is because as humans you are trained from infancy to obey the authority that other older beings – parents and caregivers – enforce upon you, and by the time you become adults most of you have come to an almost automatic acceptance that other more powerful beings control you, and that their laws must be obeyed.  This is NOT God’s Will for you.  When you planned your human lives you knew this would happen, but part of that plan was for you to evolve as you grew towards adulthood, and then claim your divine individual Sovereignty.  Many are now becoming aware of this because as you grew you found yourselves seeking personal autonomy, and it became apparent that this was indeed your divine right, and you see many are now claiming it.  This is a major aspect of your awakening process.

In Truth you are not subject to any authority other than your own, because you are each totally free divine beings, just as you were created.  As you mature into the realization of what that truly means you also come to understand your responsibility to treat all others with honor and loving respect, exactly as God honors and respects each of you.  Remind yourselves of this when you spend daily quiet time alone at your holy inner sanctuaries inviting God to enter your hearts so that you can feel the immensity of Her eternal Love for you.

This Easter please reset your intent – and doing just this is enormously powerful – to know yourselves as God does, and then allow yourselves to know it too by discarding and dismissing any last remnants of sinfulness or unworthiness to which you may be clinging, because doing so serves absolutely no useful purpose, it is just your ego attempting to control you yet again by reducing or dismissing your sense of self-worth, of God-worth.  You are all perfect beings just as you were created, this is your unchangeable state of being, so rejoice in the knowing that you are eternally and infinitely loved by God in every moment without exception.

Wishing you all a very Happy and Holy Easter,

Your loving brother, Jesus.  

As you all continue to focus on inviting the Love of God to fill your hearts daily, and then allowing yourselves to feel and enjoy It, be aware that your numbers are increasing massively every day.  Love is inundating Planet Earth and every sentient being presently in form.  Your constantly renewed intent to be only loving whatever may arise during your day is extremely powerful, and consequently Love is flowing powerfully through each one of you, and strongly influencing everyone with whom you interact in even the slightest or most minor way.  You are all blessed and honored for the amazing work that you are doing, even though it may seem to you that you are doing nothing.  Truly the Love-flow that you are, and that you are sharing and extending worldwide is extremely effective and far reaching.

Trust in Mother/Father/God knowing, as you do within the depths of your being, but mostly below your level of conscious awareness, that your presence NOW on Earth is essential and is perfectly providing what you all intend – enormous assistance to all who are engaged in your collective awakening process.  Do not be unduly disheartened or disturbed by the suffering that is occurring in so many places, because it is an essential part of humanity’s collective awakening process.  NO ONE who is suffering is being punished, EVERYONE is precisely where they planned to be prior to incarnating, in order to fulfill their chosen tasks in humanity’s awakening process.

As I have frequently reminded you, there Are No Accidents, All Have Chosen to be present on Earth Now, wherever that may be, to mightily assist in your collective awakening.  When you awaken, as you most assuredly will, your joy will know no limits, and there will be absolutely no memories of the unreality of pain and suffering that has plagued humanity for eons.

All of humanity, all sentient life forms are the dearly beloved creations of Mother/Father/God who chose to play a game or enter a dream of separation from Her.  The time to finally terminate that game or dream is rapidly approaching.  Truly it has passed its “sell-by-date!”  It will be discarded into the trash can of nothingness, leaving behind not even a trace of the misery and suffering for which it was – by your individual but united free will choices – responsible.  Awareness of your true divine nature will envelop and embrace you as you arouse yourselves from your long and ancient sleep into the Reality from which you have never, for even a micro second, been separated.

You were all lovingly created so that you would experience eternal joy and happiness, and in doing so delight your holy Mother.  The reason for your creation is clear and unchanging, it was for you to relish and delight in your constant and uninterruptible awareness of your brilliant and beautiful divine nature eternally enveloped in and embraced by the vastness of the Love that is God.  The utter joy of that state of awareness can in no way be imagined or conceived of while you continue to live in the extreme state of limitation that being human in form entails.

You all have eternal life now.  The purpose of eternal life is to provide eternal and uninterruptible joy for all the sentient beings of love whom God creates in Union with Herself, and to share with Her the infinite wonder of that inconceivable state.  It cannot be imagined it, can only be experienced, and you are all to reemerge into full conscious awareness of that infinitely wondrous state, and experience the Reality into which you were created, as you cease to pretend that the unreality that you are presently experiencing as humans in form is in any way real.

Remind yourselves regularly that eternity is now, forever unchangingfrom the state of infinite perfection in which it has its eternal existence as God, as Love, as the Source of All that exists NOW!  Change is unreal, an aspect of the illusion, and yet many of you are constantly seeking change to escape from the pain and suffering with which life in the unreality of the dream or illusion is incessantly presenting you – the almost permanent apparent lack of LOVE!

But Love is All, you have just forgotten that It is the life force within you, consciousness, awareness of just being, as you engage ever more fully with the senses of your physical bodies and seek meaning in the world around you.   But all meaning comes from within, from your engagement with and conscious awareness of your Union with the Almighty, Mother/Father/God – LOVE.

You were created with all that you could ever need to know your creator fully and completely because you were created in Union with Him, forever inseparably in His Presence.  And then you chose to enter into a state of intense amnesia, of forgetfulness, and you chose to believe it was real.  All of you have at some stage in your human lives, maybe many, come to a realization that something you believed in very firmly was untrue, false, and it most probably shocked you because part of being human is an intense need to be right.  You know this is so because you are constantly judging each other, seeing yourselves as worse than others and hoping to learn more and improve yourselves, or better than others and worrying that it will not last, and this deep sense of uncertainty about yourselves causes you much pain.

Therefore, make sure to spend time quietly and alone each day, in your holy inner sanctuaries where, if you will allow yourselves to open in awareness, you will know that you are truly in the Presence of God.  Allowing yourselves to know this is crucial to your well-being.  So much of your time is spent refusing to allow yourselves to just be, because you believe that you should be doing something worthwhile!  The most worthwhile thing you can ever do is to just be who you are, who – deep within – you know yourselves to be, instead of hiding behind masks because you fear and believe that others will see how inadequate you really are.



Your loving brother, Jesus.  

Here in the non physical realms we are watching with awe as every day more and more humans choose to open their hearts fully to Love, their true nature.  This is changing the world most positively and very rapidly, as you start to learn that the only way forward, out of corruption, deceit, and the consequent conflicts and suffering, is by honoring, trusting, respecting, and loving one another, and then living by demonstrating that in all of your interactions with others.

You have most effectively chosen to massively accelerate your collective awakening process in order to bring to an end the intense suffering that so many are presently undergoing, and from which there appears to be no exit, no escape.  Very few of you do not experience suffering, but the majority of humanity do have food and shelter, and in your awareness of the suffering of so many others, you are, by your very presence, choosing to assist in providing these essentials of human existence to those who are without them.

Truly, just helping one person in need once has an enormous effect, because it is a true expression of Love, and as more and more of you express your individual love for humanity – your brothers and sisters planet-wide – the Tsunami of Love grows and intensifies.  You can have no idea of the importance and effectiveness of even just one simple gift of love offered to another.  Love is what you are and, deep within yourselves, you do know it, and your purpose right now is to become fully aware of this while experiencing life in human form.  By doing so you automatically invite and allow the Tsunami to flow through you with increasing strength, greatly assisting others to do likewise as they too begin to feel the love flowing within them and through them, and as they take joy in their individual intent to be only loving whatever arises.  You are both One, individually, and All, collectively, and as your awareness and acceptance of this divine truth envelops you your only desire is to share it freely and constantly, and doing this purely by just being is your path to awakening.  Thank you for your growing awareness of what it means to be Love, and for sharing that Love freely and constantly with all of humanity.

All of you – every human presently incarnate – chose to be on Earth at this now moment in the collective awakening process because you were fully aware of the momentous importance and magnificence of this aspect of God’s plan for humanity.  You all wanted to participate in bringing it to fruition because of the intense love you have for Mother/Father/God, for all of Her divine and eternal creation, and for all of your brothers and sisters who incarnated before you in previous ages, and who had also chosen to take part in this magnificent plan.  Truly, Love in action, Love awakening into awareness of Itself, and in doing so, helping to awaken and heal all who have forgotten their true nature – the Reality of who they are – is your only purpose while experiencing the unreality, the dream or nightmare of life in form.

All who are suffering as a consequence of their choice to experience the unreality of separation from Source, by entering into the dream or nightmare of apparent separation from Mother/Father/God, are greatly honored for their loving choice to do so, knowing and accepting that by making this choice that they would suffer.  What they have chosen to do is a choice of enormous Love and courage.  Eternal Union with God is the only Reality, and it is the eternal state of existence of every single one of God’s divine creations.  Nevertheless, the choice to enter the illusion, the unreal and non-existent state of separation, led you into a seemingly extremely long tunnel of darkness, where the Light of Love could not be seen, because of the amnesia in which that darkness enveloped you.

Every nation, every culture, every ethnic group or family has its own spiritual heritage, a heritage of love, honor, and respect for one another.  However, for eons in every part of the world, this heritage has frequently been disregarded due to the apparent need to identify with and belong to a particular group for safety and well being.  This has, as your history shows very clearly, always led to states of disagreement, conflict, distrust, and war, states that continue to this day.  Nevertheless, wise ones, saints, and sages have also always dwelt among you by entering the unreal in order to lovingly assist you to see the errors of your ways.  Over the eons they have been extremely successful, even though many of them were treated with hatred and suspicion and often murdered.  And because of their loving Presence and their unconditional acceptance of all with whom they interacted they have brought the world to its present inspiring and uplifting moment of awakening.  Many of you have indeed been saints and sages in previous human life times, helping to facilitate the collective awakening process.  So even though you may have no memories of these lifetimes, know that you are divine beings of inestimable value, and please totally release any sense or belief that you are in any way unworthy of God’s complete and eternal Love for you.

Know That You Are Loved in Every Moment of your Eternal Existence in inseparable Union with your Source, Mother/Father/God.

The awakening process is now approaching its moment of most glorious fruition, to the utter Joy of God and all of us in the non physical realms as we watch it unfold.  Therefore, as you take your essential time out daily, visiting your holy inner sanctuaries, remind yourselves of the Truth of who you truly are, and reset your intent to be loving in every moment.  That intent, when you make it mindfully and lovingly, is extremely powerful.  You chose to be in form at this moment in order to do just this, it is your most important task.  Whatever else you consciously do, lovingly and peacefully, to assist in the awakening process is like a dividend or bonus, and you are greatly honored for doing so.  BUT, your prime purpose is the resetting of your intent to be only loving whatever arises, because that is why you are on Earth in human form Now!

Your loving brother, Jesus.  

We are all One. There is only that One – God – and yet that Oneness also experiences individuality and differentiation of Itself through each and everyone of us because He, our most Holy and Loving Father, gave us complete and utter freedom and personal and inviolable Sovereignty when He created us.  Why?  Because Love just Loves, and It wants Its creations to be as free as It is to create, using the One Mind that It shares with all of Its holy creation, and in doing so allows and encourages all to live in peace and joy, sharing the Love, the Oneness that It is.  It never judges, shames, or condemns because Love is incapable of anything but Love, which is the infinite life force or energy field that envelops All that exists, from the infinitely small to the infinitely vast.  I repeat: We are ALL ONE!

To awaken is to know and to experience your natural state of Oneness uninterruptedly once more, as all memories of unreality just dissolve into nothingness, because they never happened.  Untold and unimaginable joy awaits you all.  Life will be new, fresh, beautiful, and perfect, just as it has always been, and you will realize that you have missed absolutely nothing during your state of temporary amnesia.  Infinite joy is always yours because it is an aspect of Love, from which you have never been separated.

Choose now to release your fear-driven grip on the state of unreality that seems so real to you, as you experience life in form observing all the pain and suffering that is rife across the world, and know that all is indeed well as you all, each and everyone of you in your own unique and essential way, magnificently assist in humanity’s collective awakening process.  Truly, what you are doing as you experience this present life in human form is magnificent.  How could it not be, because you are always One with God, and therefore what She does, you also do magnificently with Her.

Love is the infinite vastness of pure energy in which God and all of Her creations experience the absolute wonder that is Life, whether being experienced in form or as pure formless energy.  Living life in form you are very aware of what appear to be totally different forms – supposedly dead matter, plant life, and life forms that feed off other forms – and yet, as your science now realizes, there is NO dead matter.  Life is movement, and even what you consider to be solid and unmoving is, at its deepest and most minute levels, just energy – LOVE – and consequently it is always in motion.  It is just that one of the limitations of human life in form is its inability, through its purely physical bodily senses, to be aware of any life that its physical senses cannot perceive.  However, there are many among you who are aware of some of the non-physical energies in which you are, as beings of Love, fully and eternally immersed.

Access to those infinite non-physical realms is available to everyone, but to gain that access you have to set the intent to engage with it, and then allow yourselves to disregard and ignore the distractions with which your egos are constantly presenting you.  It really is very easy, but because your human forms always seem to need your attention – I’m cold I need a blanket, I’m itchy I need to scratch, I’m thirsty I need a coffee, I’m hungry I need a sandwich, I need to call my mother/son/doctor, I need to go to the store – your egos produce endless needs with whichto distract you.  When you are sitting intending to be quiet and at peace, it is easy to get very irritated by these distractions and then, instead of ignoring them, you engage angrily with them by judging yourselves as inadequate because they happen so frequently in spite of your intention, and their noise drowns out your quiet inner voice, your intuition.

You are not inadequate, you are divine beings who have freely chosen to deal with the limitations of life in form in order to be present now to assist in the collective awakening process, and when distractions arise remind yourselves very positively that you are in no way inadequate, that you are eternally divine beings.  For doing this you are highly honored by God, and by all in the non physical realms, so accept the honor that is offered and know that you are totally worthy of it.  Then allow and encourage yourselves to cease angrily engaging with yourselves in negative self-judgment by resetting as many times as necessary your intent to only love yourselves in every moment, because Love is your nature, and nothing else is real.  As you get to the stage where you can just accept what arises without judgment you will find that your sense of self-acceptance and self-love strengthens, and the distractions become more of a noise flowing in the background, no longer demanding your attention.  You will then feel the peace and freedom that being knowingly aware of your Oneness with God establishes within you.

You are all eternally One with God your loving Source, and you can never be separated from the Reality of that state.  Rejoice in the absolute certainty that you are divine beings, and allow yourselves to admit that knowing into your conscious awareness so that you can delight in the joy that this knowing provides, regardless of what is occurring in the world of form around you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.  

Allow yourselves to cease clinging to any sense of unworthiness.

Love is not something for which you need to seek because It is what you are!  However, as humans in form, it appears to you that it is something that you need to receive from someone else, or from God.  However, there is only Love, PERIOD!  As totally unique and individuated expressions of God, you – each individual sentient being without any exceptions – are all aspects, unique expressions of the Love that is All that exists, and which exists without interruption for all eternity – the endless moment of Now.

God and you are eternally changeless and unchanging expressions of Love.  You have just forgotten this divine and unalterable truth, and it therefore seems to you that you are without It.  To be without Love would be to cease to exist, and that thought is terrifying.  It is the thought that you used to invent or construct an unreal environment in which to experience separation from one-another and therefore from Mother/Father/God, not realizing – how could you?  because they do not exist – the terror, fear, and uncertainty that you would also experience.

Large numbers of people are seemingly living in that state, and some of them are undergoing extreme pain, suffering, and anguish because of it.  To awaken is to release your fearful grip on the unreal thought that you experience as a physical material environment.  An environment in which your physical forms endure illness, disease, injury, and death, all apparently absolutely terrifying possibilities leading to an inevitable personal terminal event – death – nothingness – extinction.

Do not be alarmed, because THERE IS NO SUCH STATE!  There is only Reality, total and inseparable Oneness in Union with Mother/Father/God.  Therefore live fearlessly, offering only Love to all others in every moment, and know that All is indeed extremely well.  When you do just this, peace will become the major Presence in your lives.

The whole point of these messages, that I am offering to you frequently and regularly, is to assist you as you follow your beautifully pre-planned human paths to your awakening.  I followed mine, and I know how hard it can be, but I also know that your success is guaranteed, because it is divinely assured.  Each of you in form now as humans chose the paths that you find yourselves presently living and engaging with because you wanted to remember your Oneness with God, both as a being in form and at the same time as the absolutely limitless eternal being that you are when you choose to be formless.

You each have limitless access to the All, to your Source, to Love, and you can therefore present yourselves in any manner at all that appeals to your boundless creative abilities.  Human form is just one of those many options, but you chose to use it to experience the impossible – separation!

Why is it impossible?  It is impossible because nothing that is not in complete alignment with Love has ever existed or can ever exist.  You are each eternally and inseparably in Union with Love, with your Source, the only Source of your eternal existence.

Your awakening is your free will choice to terminate the unreal game of separation, and to return to a constant state of conscious awareness of your Union with Mother/Father/God.  Words are totally inadequate as a means to explain, express, or define what exists without limit.  In Truth each and every sentient being, whether in form or formless, is as limitless as Mother/Father/God, because you are each eternally One with Her in that ‘state’ that is limitless.  The limits you experience as humans in form do not exist and never can.  Your divine destiny is to know yourselves fully as you are, to be constantly aware – constantly fully mindfully aware – of your most beautiful and infinite V A S T N E S S at One with Her.

When you take your daily quiet time alone in your holy inner sanctuaries remind yourselves of this eternal Truth.  Honor yourselves, as God does in every moment, and allow yourselves to cease clinging to any sense of unworthiness or sinfulness, because you were created divinely perfect and changeless just like your Source.  Love is total, infinite, unconditional acceptance of ALL of Its divine creations.  There is nothing to judge or condemn because, despite all of the illusory experiences that so many are still undergoing, Love can only Love, and does only Love.  Sweep out the debris from your minds – those false and utterly invalid senses or feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness, and sinfulness – and open your hearts and invite Love to enter, She will, and you will feel Her loving embrace.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

PS from John.

I have just been reading and loving the book listed below, and decided to list it here in case any of you, who are not already familiar with it, might like to see if it also appealed to you.

Blessings, John.

“The age of the Heart” received by Sebastián Blaksley.

We are ALL ONE!   Separation is a dream or a nightmare, depending on how you choose to experience it, and, of course, it is unreal.  Separation from Source, Mother/Father/God can never happen, has never happened, could never happen because there is only ONE state of Being, and that is in Union with God, Who is All, eternally and infinitely loving every expression of Herself – who is every sentient being whether in form or totally free of the limitations that form attempts to impose on those who have chosen to be in form.  All are eternally completely and utterly FREE!  God created you from Love – from Herself – in Love, and therefore you are, and can only be utterly and completely Free, because Love by Its very Nature is an absolutely and eternally free state of existence.

Not to be free is impossible, and yet, as humans, it most definitely does seem that you are not free because of the limitations that your physical forms impose upon you for as long as you choose to be limited by them.  Limitations that you experience while in form as humans are not imposed upon you, you experience them because you chose to do so when planning your human life paths before incarnating.  Yes, others are involved in the limitations that you experience, simply because you chose, prior to incarnating, to engage with others who would assist you in following those paths.  This is very hard for many of you to accept because the illusory reality you chose to experience appears, by its very nature, to be utterly real, just as you intended.

I would remind you again: “There are No accidents, there are No coincidences, there are No chance events,” you each planned and chose every experience that you undergo as humans.  No one else is to blame for what you undergo, so accept the life that unfolds for you moment by moment, and by doing so find the peace that doing so provides.  Truly peace is your natural state.  To engage in non acceptance of the aspects of life that you dislike – this isn’t fair, this shouldn’t be happening to me! – as so many do, is the choice to disable or block the natural flow of peace within and through you.

It is fine and sensible to try and change or alter the circumstances in your life that cause you pain or suffering, but it is essential to be able to differentiate between what you may indeed be able to change and what you most definitely cannot.  Life as a human in form is most definitely a very powerful and useful learning experience, and what you learn greatly assists your spiritual evolution.  Whether you do evolve spiritually during any particular life time depends on how you respond to the lessons with which it presents you.  You always have complete freedom of choice.  Some live lives in which they experience intense pain and suffering, but, nevertheless make great spiritual progress, whereas others, who appear to lead charmed lives, make different choices that disable any growth opportunities they have set on their life paths.

Truly, it all comes back to freedom and choice, and in every moment you are freely making choices, therefore it is very important to develop your abilities to be mindful, so that you become aware of your intuition – your spiritual guidance – and do not confuse it with the guidance that your egos offer.  The latter are always operating from fear, whereas your intuition operates from Love, making it very easy to discern which you need to honor and follow.  If your ego screams at you to get your attention and thus stops you from stepping into the road in front of a fast moving vehicle, thank it, because its purpose is to protect your body from injury, but also remind yourself of the necessity to be mindful.

Being mindful means to be aware of each and every thought, word, or action with which you engage, and this can be very difficult when you are deep in your intellectual mind dealing with worldly issues.  For instance, a neurosurgeon has to focus extremely intently and narrowly when he or she is operating on someone’s brain – that is being mindful – but doing so necessarily shuts out full or complete awareness of “beingness,” of full mindfulness.  This is an example of a human’s unavoidable state of limitation.  For example, I can commune in the same moment with everyone who wishes to commune with me because I am not in any manner limited because I am free of form, whereas you who are in form have very limited capabilities in the number of people with whom you can interact and commune with in the same moment.

Those of you who can enter into deep states of meditation by being silently at peace and fully aware are far more mindful in that state than when leading your daily lives.  In that state you may receive intuitive insights that can help you resolve issues or problems that in your normal waking state may appear extremely difficult or even insoluble.  Truly, no problems are insoluble, they are just insoluble because of the limitations of the human intellect, no matter how brilliant and effective that intellect may be, and because your egos are always encouraging you to use your intellects in order to distract you from being mindful and aware of your divine guidance – your intuition.  Being open and mindful invites your intuition to offer you knowledge that your intellect is utterly incapable of accessing.

Part of your pre-incarnational plan includes the intent to remain aware of your intuition because it will greatly assist you as you follow your preset life paths.  Remember, you are never alone!  Your intuition is an aspect of your Union with God, it is, like Christ Consciousness, your inseparable connection with your holy Source through which Love flows constantly in reciprocation between you and Mother/Father/God.  However, when you allow your egos to guide and direct you – without any oversight on your part – you are effectively reducing or even closing down your access to Love.  When you do that your egos use the opportunity to encourage you to compare yourselves to others – a totally meaningless exercise – and this often leads to dissatisfaction with your own lives in the form of fear, anger, resentment, judgment, and condemnation of others.

Allowing those emotions or feelings of inadequacy to flow regularly and freely distracts you from your true nature as you block Love in order to focus on seemingly more important aspects of your lives.  That block to your true nature then leads you to constantly and endlessly seek love and acceptance from others.  Your experienced human state of separation seems to separate you from Love, but in fact it is by your own choicethatyou experience the unreality of separation, and to be apparently unloved is terrifying, which is why you spend so much time seeking it from others.  The only place that you will find love and acceptance is within yourselves, in your natural state of Christ Consciousness.

Love is your nature, it is your complete, inseparable and eternal union and alignment with Mother/Father/God.  However, you can, as many unfortunately do, refuse to acknowledge it and focus on the ego’s guidance as you live your lives in form.  Nevertheless, you are all, without exception, regularly receiving nudges that cause you to ask yourselves “surely there must be a more meaningful purpose to my life?” than just taking care of my material bodily needs.  And, of course, you always have the freedom to choose whether to acknowledge those nudges or dismiss them.  Make a point of engaging with them as fully as you can, and enjoy the increasing sense of peace that doing so provides, as you start to honor yourselves as God does by recognizing that you are Her perfect divine creations of Love expressing Itself through you in every moment of your existence.

Your loving brother, Jesus.  

Hello, this is John with Jesus’ message for Friday January 5th 2024. He started it on Christmas Day 2023, and then completed it today, January 5th. In it he is reminding us most positively of our true nature.

TRUST God completely.

Today is a day of enormous peace and love, because the Love of God, the Love that is God is flowing freely and abundantly.  Truly It always flows freely and abundantly to fill the hearts of those who are open to It.  But, today, Monday December twenty fifth two thousand and twenty three, is exceptional and momentous because so many are celebrating the anniversary of my birth, seemingly such a long time ago, with a powerful and mightily increased loving intent.

The realization of the divine TRUTH that only GOD, only LOVE is REAL, is arising momentously and insistently within the hearts of many of you who, though you have for decades professed your faith in this truth, have never before felt it so intensely.  Your knowing of this truth is filling you with joy.  To know, with your conscious human awareness that this is so, instead of relying on blind faith, is an ENORMOUSLY powerful step towards your collective awakening.  Truly, today is a day to celebrate massively, and many of you are doing so.

Thank you all for your Love, your Faith, and your Trust in Mother/Father/God. I can assure you it is being wonderfully and stupendously magnified as It is returned to you in the continuous flow of divine Love that is LIFE, and you, of course, are therefore all eternally and fully alive!  Delight in the joy that you are feeling, It is not illusory, IT IS REAL!

Early January 2024:

We are all One, as you well know, and of course there is only Love which can only be known and experienced NOW!  The eternal Now is the eternal and ever-present moment of being fully conscious and fully aware.  There is no other moment, and nor is there even the slightest possibility of any other moment, and any sense of that which you may experience as in any manner unloving as you live your human lives in form is also unreal, illusory.  There is only Love.  That is why there can never be and is no sin, no evil, no unworthiness, no pain, and no suffering, because anything other than Love does not and cannot exist.

Yes, as humans in form, that most certainly does NOT seem to make any sense, let alone be true.  But it is!  There will be no unhappy, sad, or fearful memories.  You will all awaken, and the unreality that you have been experiencing since time immemorialfear, suffering, pain, and death – will have utterly dissolved because it has never existed.

There is only Life – fully aware eternal consciousness of Oneness, of Union – Love, God.  There is no need or possibility for any alternative.  Alternatives are an aspect of the illusory world of form in which you experience the duality of existence, unreal though it is – namely up/down, left/right, good/bad, right/wrong, either/or – as the limitations of human life, not the both/and of Reality where there are NO limits to Love or to the way in which It chooses to express Itself.Love is All, and is, therefore, ALL-Encompassing, end of story.  And it is from that fictional story that you are to awaken!

Prepare yourselves for this most magnificent, brilliant, and beautiful event by just Being!  To BE is the totality of your nature, just as it is God’s.  Just Being shows and demonstrates complete and total acceptance of the divine Sovereignty of All that God creates.  There is NO differentiation there is NO hierarchy, and as every sentient being embraces the Truth of Reality any seeming need for such divisions dissolves.  When you awaken into the fully conscious awareness and Knowing of the absolute Truth of the statement that each sentient being makes byjust being awake and thus remaining eternally awake, specifically – “I and my Father are One” – that state of awareness of your eternal and unbreakable Oneness with your heavenly Father removes and dissolves all and every need in which your extremely narrow and limited human state seemed to envelop you constantly.  You will once more know what it means to be Free, you will recognizeyour true state of being from which you have never for even the briefest instant departed.

As you make a point of spending essential quiet time alone each day, do remind yourselves of your true and eternal nature by stating “I and my Mother are One” – or, if you prefer “I and my Father are One.”  That simple statement is the absolute Truth of who you are . . . unchangeably.  God, as you know, absolutely never differentiates because All are eternally One, and when you make that statement you are simply acknowledging and accepting your own utterly valid awareness of your true and unchangeable divine nature at One with or in Union with God, your ever-loving Source.  Therefore, KNOW that it is eternally true, and repeat it to yourself regularly to dissolve any doubts or sense of unworthiness that may arise within you as your egos offer you reasons for this not to be true, as they offer you their best – the utter unreality of FEAR!  Therefore TRUST God completely, and totally refuse to accept your egos’ unreal and fearful offerings.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

As many of you prepare to celebrate the two thousand and twenty third anniversary of my birth, I want to thank you all for the enormous amplification you are each adding to the Tsunami of Love that is flooding the Earth by daily resetting your intent to be only loving whatever arises in your daily human lives.  You have no idea of the power of your intentions as you so positively encourage the flood tide of Love to embrace all of humanity without any exceptions.  Love is stirring in the hearts of all, even those who appear to be most deeply incapable of experiencing or expressing It.  Truly, you are all, each and every one of you, abundant receptacles of Love which you keep on sharing and extending freely and continuously.  You are bringing humanity’s collective awakening, humanity’s collective remembrance of its true nature to fruition.  Without you it would not happen.  But of course your heavenly Father knew that He could rely on you because you are such stalwart, loving, and dependable expressions of Himself, as you constantly intend to align your wills with His.  Your success is therefore divinely assured.

As you well know, I spent forty days in the desert in a prolonged meditation to find my purpose, and to awaken and know the Love that I am because I am the son of God.  Then I spent the rest of my life, a few short years, extending and sharing that Love freely among all those with whom I interacted.  That was my purpose, namely to live a life of Love and thus demonstrate how to offer Love to all without exception.

You may remember that shortly before my death I told my disciples to love one another as I loved them, and now each one of you has chosen to be on Earth at this moment to do likewise, and you are doing so most beautifully.  You can have no idea how pleased our heavenly Father is with you all, as you live in form through these difficult but unreal times prior to the awakening, and as you share and extend Love freely and generously, just as I did, and as He would want you to.

Please let go of any remaining doubts you my have about your worthiness to engage in and successfully complete the personal tasks you each chose to undertake before you incarnated, they are utterly invalid.  Accept that you areeach undergoing a state of amnesia that is a necessary aspect of the human lives you are leading.  It is not a fault or disability, it is a major aspect of your awakening process.  As you continue to move forwards so lovingly – along with taking time out daily to enter and relax within your holy inner sanctuaries – invite Mother/Father/God to fill your hearts with awareness of Her Presence and Her Love for you, and accept and allow yourselves to feel that Presence, because you are completely worthy of enjoying and being uplifted by that experience.

As you do you will begin to find your memories of who you truly are returning, and any feelings of doubt, unworthiness, or sinfulness will dissolve, being replaced by totally valid feelings of self-acceptance and unconditional love of yourselves.  Remember that giving and receiving are one and the same, as you give so you receive, and as you receive so do you give, and the knowing of the oneness of that will embrace you, and you will most positively come to know, without any possibility of doubt, that you and your Father are indeed eternally One, in the most beautiful state of divine Union.  Knowing this is what your awakening is giving rise to.

Love is the infinitely vast field, area, space – there is NO word in any language that can in any way define It – in which God and all of Her divine creations are eternally vibrantly alive and present.  As you know – GOD IS!  Anything that is not God does not exist.  Whatever you may experience as life in your human forms, in however a wonderful or horrific manner it presents itself to you, is unreal.  You constructed an unreal and illusory environment in which to experience the impossible, separation from your holy and divine Source.

But, because God, at the moment of your creation, empowered you with All that She IS, you were able to use that immense power to establish an environment that is totally unreal, and yet it is an environment that nevertheless has utterly convinced you that it is real.  So seemingly real that many of your intellectually most brilliant human scientists have succeeded in convincing themselves, and much of humanity, that materialism is the only reality.  And from their point of view it does appear limitless and infinitely vast, with life but an aberrant and extremely short-lived event that terminates quite naturally with the death or failure of the human or non human forms in which it appears to exist.  They believe that life is unreal, unusual, and unfree, and that therefore that it should be used while it lastsin any manner that appeals to a person’s fear-driven ego consciousness.  Insanity run rampant!  No wonder you experience disagreements, war, sickness, injury, and death.

However, many of those brilliant ones are now digging deeper into the physics of the material universe, and discovering that it is vastly more complex than they had thought was possible.  They are, often rather unwillingly, coming to the realization that there absolutely has to be a source, a higher power that is guiding and directing it, that it is utterly impossible for it to be a random and meaningless contingency or event that arose, that ‘just happened to happen.’ And some are even choosing, with reluctance, to call ‘it’ God.

Therefore take heart in the knowing that you are and have been experiencing an illusory state of unreality, and that your awakening is absolutely inevitable.  You are divine beings who have fallen very temporarily asleep, and Mother/Father/God is gently nudging you awake so that you once more enjoy the absolute fullness of Life at One in endless Union with Her.

As you wait hopefully and expectantly for the grand awakening event to fill you all with intense joy, please celebrate my approaching birthday with enormous Love and goodwill for all of humanity, knowing as you do that All are indeed One, and know that God’s divine plan for humanity is precisely on schedule, because all of you are perfectly fulfilling your pre-incarnational intentions to greatly assist humanity to awaken.  Your LOVE is bringing about wonders way beyond your ability to conceive of.  Trust in Mother/Father/God, and let the Love that you are flow fast, freely, and abundantly as It continues to envelop and embrace everyone without exceptions, and is bringing your awakening to a most magnificent state of radiant fruition.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

All across the world people are becoming increasingly alarmed as global tensions rise, and as ongoing wars and conflicts intensify causing much killing and injury of civilians as well as of combatants.  This is a time of enormous and absolutely essential change in the manner in which humans interact with one another all across the world – one on one, and nation to nation.  It has been sought by many for a very long time, and it is now finally occurring, although that is probably not immediately apparent to most people.  As I and others keep reminding you: TRUST in GOD, because only She exists, only She is Real, and Her Will for you, which is always brought to fruition, is that you are eternally embraced and enfolded in the Peace and Joy that being in Her Presence always provides and maintains.

Life is eternal, and death is not terminal, it is just a massive change in your awareness of who you truly are and what it means to be conscious, alive, alert, unrestrained, in fact totally free.  It is to come to full conscious awareness that you are in truth a divine being created by Mother/Father/God, and are, therefore, always in inseparable and eternal union with Her.

You and God are One, but when you chose to experience the unreal state of separation from Him you also chose to forget your Oneness, because you thought that doing so would provide you with more freedom than the state of infinite freedom, in which you had been created, already provided for you in every moment.   However, the unreal state of separation you constructed and entered into did the opposite!  You began to experience yourselves as insignificant powerless individuals in a vast material universe that was completely unaware of you, and which could terminate your existence at any moment, and without warning.  What a terrifying state to find yourselves seemingly enveloped within, and with no possible exit except through total termination of your existence by the death of your physical forms.

Thus was fear born!  Something unreal, non-existent, and which of course, prior to that choice, you had never conceived of let alone experienced. What you are – LOVE – is completely and utterly free of anything that is not in total alignment with It, anything that is unreal.  To experience fear was horrifying and shocking.

Nevertheless, for the ages (the brief instant) during which you have been undergoing life in form as humans, it has always been present to a greater or lesser extent.  Fear is a state – quite unreal – which you can choose whether or not to engage with.  It is a major aspect of your egos which encourage you to believe in it and engage with it in order to enable them to control you by persuading you to believe it protects you from dangers of all kinds.  Momentary fear is useful to draw your attention to a momentary danger that could cause you injury or death, but when you allow it to direct the way you live your lives it leads to the belief that you are not free, that there are certain thoughts, words, or actions with which you should not engage if you wish to be safe.  Lack of safety is another aspect of life as a human in form, that is unreal and which unnecessarily restricts you if you believe in it.  And, of course, your human forms, your bodies, are vulnerable in ways that can seem very life threatening if you believe being alive as a human is a real experience ending at some point in the complete termination of your eternal existence.

There is no way that your existence can be finally and irrevocably terminated, because you were created by Mother/Father/God as eternal divine beings living forever in Union with Her in peace and joy.  That true state is unalterable, and anything you may be experiencing that is not in alignment with it is utterly unreal.  Your fears and doubts – your egos – would attempt to persuade you that this cannot be true, that the truth is that you will only experience a short human life followed inevitably by termination in death, and that therefore you need to make the most of it while you have the chance, because it will not last.

To awaken, as you are collectively doing, is to become once more fully and consciously aware that you are – each and every sentient being – in a state of eternal and divine Union with God in constant peace and joy.  There is no other state in which you could exist, because God is All that exists, and each and every one of you is eternally embraced by and enveloped in the All that is God.  Trust God and allow yourselves to awaken, instead of buying into the fears with which your egos constantly attempt to convince you, namely that your lives are permanently at risk of devastating injury, ill-health, or death.  Deep within yourselves you do know that this is not true, but your egos keep stirring up doubts, leading you to feel uncertain, lost, and even abandoned.  Nothing could be further from the TRUTH!

Once again I remind you that you do need to spend quiet time alone – or with a quiet like-minded group – visiting your holy inner sanctuaries every day.  While there, allow your fears and doubts to fall away as you renew your trust in God, and invite Her to enter your hearts to embrace and comfort you.  She WILL!  By trusting Her you dissolve the unreal boundary that closes off your awareness to Her constant Presence, and you will feel comforted and at peace, and that feeling will stay with you throughout the day if you set the intent to remain at peace no matter what may arise during the day.

You are eternally and infinitely loved in every moment of your existence because that is how you were created, and that state is changeless and unchanging.  Trust God, devote yourselves to knowing that you are inseparably in Her Presence in every moment, and allow yourselves to feel Her Love as you go about your daily lives.

Your loving brother, Jesus.